Conventional Extenguishant Releasing Series

Protect You home, your assets and your loved ones

HAWK Series

Designed and manufactured to the highest standards in a quality controlled environment and with UL and FM approvals, the LIFECO HAWK releasing panel offers outstanding value and performance for all small to medium fixed firefighting installations.
Lifeco Extinguishant System Status Indicator

LF EX Panel

The LF/EX Fire Alarm and Gas extinguishing Control Panel is manufactured based on advanced technology while maintaining high quality during assembly.
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Lifeco Clean Agent Suppression System
Lifeco High Pressure Water Mist System
Lifeco Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Lifeco Emergency and Exit Lights
Lifeco Fire Pump
Lifeco Fire Valves
Lifeco Automatic Sprinklers and Open Nozzles
Lifeco Fire Hoses and Nozzles
Lifeco Fire Cabinet
Lifeco Water Flow Switch and Pressure Guages
Lifeco Fire Extinguishers
Lifeco Fire Doors
Lifeco Foam System
Fire Blanket
Lifeco Fire & Safety Equipment